
Firm Announcements & Tax Updates

Military Residency Act (2017-2018)

Good news for all the military spouses out there! You can finally claim the same residency as your spouse, no matter what date your marriage took place. Previously, in order to claim a different state residency, you had to live there, NO MORE. My husband and I have been married for six years, and have lived in Nevada, California and Virginia, but he is a resident of Texas. I’ve thought about changing residencies, especially for car registration purposes, but it never made sense. Now I can change to Texas if I choose to. I won’t because I’m self-employed and CA will tax my income anyway since my office is in CA, but I have the choice! See the link the the law tracker here. A fellow Navy spouse, Ashley Lovrencevic who is a wonderful real estate agent in Hanford, alerted me to this new law. It’s been under the radar and there are very few news articles about it. So share it with your friends, spread the word! Consult your tax preparer to know if this would be a good move for you tax-wise, every state taxes income differently.

Emily McEwan-Upright